Operation safe surrender at Brooklyn church


Starting tonight and ending on Sunday, folks with minor offenses have a chance to surrender and make their peace with a judge.

The /*church*/ is on Greene Avenue in /*Bed-Stuy*/, /*Brooklyn*/.

"We feel if we can get the warrants taken care of today it is good Friday," said Anita Alexander, with /*Project Safe Surrender*/.

They're called C warrants, anything from unlawful possession of alcohol to disorderly conduct and loitering.

Relatively minor offenses that can turn into major legal problems if they're not resolved.

/*Eyewitness News*/ couldn't take our cameras inside because what's happening in the church right now is an official court proceeding. There is a judge hearing cases and lawyers representing The people who've come to have their warrants resolved.

More people are expected to surrender throughout the weekend.

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