New Jersey girl survives cancer thanks to new leukemia and lymphoma research

Sunday, June 1, 2014
NJ girl survives cancer thanks to new research
Amy Freeze reports her family is now campaigning for more funding to help other patients.

HO-HO-KUS (WABC) -- A New Jersey family believes their daughter is alive today because of new research funded through the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

We spent time with them as they explained how she survived and why they are campaigning this week in New York for more money even though her cancer is gone.

In June 2005, John and Chris Batt knew that Caylin was sick.

"Our 3 year old daughter was diagnosed with cancer," John said.

Her treatment was two years of chemotherapy, spinal taps, and blood transfusions.

"When I was a child the cure rate was less than 20 percent, and now it's 90 percent," John said.

"Because of the research LLS has provided our daughter is alive today and it's just as simple as that," said Chris.

Now cancer free, Caylin is 12 and the middle sibling to Lily and Jack. She was named Girl of the Year by the LLS, which means even as a 6th grader she campaigns to raise money for cancer research by sharing stories about surviving - which often include her brother.

"When I just finished a surgery, my brother came in with a clown nose on, and he was acting like nothing was wrong while I was laughing. He was like, 'what are you laughing at'?". Caylin said.

"One time when she was in the hospital we rode on her IV pole down the hallway!", said Jack.

Because they have been there, the entire family sees how important hospitals and treatments are for LLS cancer patients.

"They fund all the research that helps the survival rate increase, more people are surviving cancer because of the LLS," said Jack.

The Batt family also knows not every family has the same outcome.

"Never lose your hope," said Caylin's sister Lily.

"I tell them not to lose hope there is always hope you could find a cure!," said Caylin.

Stories like Caylin are proof and every dollar raised is a step in the right direction.

This Thursday on Wall Street, the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society will host an annual fundraiser, where Caylin will be a guest of honor.

Link for more information about the fundraiser: