How to Freeze Away Inflammation and Injury Risk after Long Distance Runs

Thursday, October 29, 2015
freeze therapy

NEW YORK -- This is my ninth marathon and during training - and even after I cross the finish line on race day - ice therapy is a critical part of my recovery.

I caught up with Hospital for Special Surgery Dr. Jordan Metzl to get some tips on cold baths and ice tubs. We met at Equinox on 63rd and Lexington in New York City. But you can do a cold bath in your own tub and add ice. Most people can last 5-15 minutes in the freezing water and see benefits.

The other amazing "freeze" therapy is using cryotherapy - it's a chamber that you stand in for 3 minutes --- temps plunge to 275 degrees below zero but the results have been even better than ice baths for me! There is a medical center that has supervised cryotherapy in at NJ Pain and Rehab Center that can explain how it works. It's not totally new, but cryotherapy is being used more and more by pro athletes over the years from World Class Runner Alberto Salazar and Former Giant Steve Weatherford. The results from cryotherapy range from pain management to quicker recovery time to better peak performance.