GARDNER, Kansas -- Never underestimate the sense of humor of people. The Gardner, Kansas, Police Department found that out firsthand after installing a game camera in a park to investigate mountain lion sightings.
Police downloaded photos from the camera, placed in a local park, to see if a mountain lion was in the area. To their surprise, they found numerous photos of citizens dressed up as wild animals.
"We have included a few of these images for your review. We now have another different concern. We are attempting to identify some of the wildlife and activity in these images," said the Gardner Police Department in a Facebook post.
The Department went on to say, "We would like to sincerely thank the persons responsible as it made our day when we pulled up what we expected to be hundreds of pictures of coyotes, foxes and raccoons. Thank you to the citizens who noticed the cameras. Your effort and sense of humor are greatly appreciated."
If you are wondering about the mountain lion sightings. So far, no pics of the big cat have been captured.