Billy Joel, Biden, Cuomo at fire company blanketed with tragedy on 9/11

Friday, September 11, 2015

NEW YORK -- Vice President Joe Biden and singer Billy Joel have honored firefighters at a station whose ranks were decimated on 9/11.

The two joined New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo in Manhattan at Rescue Company 1, a unit of the Fire Department of New York. The White House says Rescue 1 lost nearly half its members when it responded to the north tower of the World Trade Center.

Biden greeted firefighters with hugs and handshakes in front of memorial plaques honoring their comrades who died on 9/11 and in other incidents. He praised the firefighters for their loyalty and told them to take care of themselves.

The vice president also plans to join Cuomo on Friday at the kickoff for the 9/11 Memorial Motorcycle Ride.