Watch 'Healthy for the Holidays' - protecting yourself and your family from COVID, flu and RSV

Watch our Eyewitness News special, Healthy for the Holidays, on Monday at 5:30 p.m.
Friday, December 23, 2022
NEW YORK (WABC) -- More people are getting sick, and more hospitals are reaching capacity.

More families are having to make difficult choices about holiday gatherings.

It's not 2020 and the days before the covid vaccination, nor 2021 and the pre-Christmas omicron surge.

This year we are amid what is being called a "tripledemic" as cases of COVID, the flu, and RSV are on the rise in our area and across the country.

In the player above, watch our Eyewitness News special, Healthy for the Holidays, as we look at why these viruses are spreading so quickly and what symptoms to know.

We dig deeper into the nationwide medicine shortage and what parents should do if they find empty store shelves.

We speak to doctors about the best ways to protect yourself and your family over the holidays.

ALSO WATCH | Dr. Sara Siddiqui answers your health questions regarding the tripledemic and celebrating the holidays

This is important information to keep you safe and healthy.

Individual reports from the special can be viewed below:

What is the tripledemic?

Tips to stay safe and healthy this holiday season

Hospitals face a holiday surge in patients

Dr. Jen discusses symptoms to watch for over the holidays

While there is a medicine shortage, there are still a few options

Doctors answer your questions about the tripledemic below:

Dr. Sanjey Gupta

Dr. Sallie Permar

Dr. Edward Liu

Dr. Sophia Jan

Dr. Sara Siddiqui
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