
Here's your guide to Girl Scout cookie names and flavors

Wednesday, January 24, 2018
It's the most exciting time of the year for cookie lovers: Girl Scout cookies are going on sale.[br /][br /]Figuring out which kind of cookie you want might be tricky, and not just because they're all good choices. The cookie name may be different depending on your area. For example, take a look at the distribution of Samoas and the similar Caramel deLites, [url HREF="https://www.babble.com/best-recipes/samoas-vs-caramel-delites-girl-scout-cookies/" TARGET="" REL=""]according to Babble:[/url][br /][Ads /][br /][br /][br /][img SRC="https://www.babble.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/babble_girlscoutcookies_800x466_map_final-624x363.jpg" ALIGN="" /][br /][br /]The difference arises because Girl Scouts of the USA uses two different bakers, ABC Smart Cookies and Little Brownie Bakers. In most cases, despite the unique names, the two bakers make similar cookies.[br /][br /]With so many cookies going by so many different names, what's a person with a sweet tooth to order?[br /][br /]Here's your guide to navigating all that crunchy goodness so you can buy ([url HREF="http://www.girlscouts.org/en/cookies/all-about-cookies/Cookie-Recipes.html[br /]" TARGET="" REL="nofollow"]or even try your hand at baking[/url]) your ideal Girl Scout cookie.[br /][br /][b][u][center]If you want to branch out from the classics...[/center][/u][/b][br /][media ID="1697024" /][br /]Last year, [url HREF="/food/girl-scouts-announces-smores-cookies-are-on-the-way/1464303/" TARGET="" REL=""]the organization released a pair of new S'mores cookies[/url], [url HREF="http://www.girlscouts.org/en/press-room/press-room/news-releases/2018/gsusa-kicks-off-2018-girl-scout-cookie-season.html" TARGET="" REL="nofollow"]which are returning again this year[/url]. Both bakers put their own touch on the classic treat, so your version will depend on the baker used in your area. One is a graham cookie dipped in icing and covered in chocolate coating. Another is a graham cookie sandwich with a layer of chocolate and a layer of marshmallow in the middle.[br /][br /][url HREF="http://abcbakersnutritionalvalues.com/smores.html" TARGET="" REL="nofollow"]S'mores cookie (chocolate coating) nutrition facts[/url][br /][url HREF="http://www.littlebrowniebakers.com/products/girlscoutsmores/" TARGET="" REL="nofollow"]S'mores cookie (graham cookie sandwich) nutrition facts[/url][br /][br /][b][u][center]If you love peppermint...[/center][/u][/b][br /][media ID="1697022" /][br /]Nothing to clear up here: Get the Thin Mints. These classic wafers have the same name all over the country but come in two different recipes. No matter where you are, this snack is great for chocolate and mint lovers alike. And either way, these are vegan![br /][br /][url HREF="http://abcbakersnutritionalvalues.com/thin-mints.html" TARGET="" REL="nofollow"]ABC Smart Cookies Thin Mints nutrition facts (It's vegan!)[/url][br /][url HREF="http://www.littlebrowniebakers.com/products/thin-mints/" TARGET="" REL="nofollow"]Little Brownie Bakers Thin Mints nutrition facts (It's vegan!)[/url][br /][br /][b][u][center]If you love caramel...[/center][/u][/b][br /][media ID="1697020" /][br /]Depending on your area, you'll want to order Samoas or Caramel deLites. Both have caramel, coconut and chocolate, though in the case of Samoas, it's dark chocolate.[br /][br /][url HREF="http://abcbakersnutritionalvalues.com/caramel-delite.html" TARGET="" REL="nofollow"]Caramel DeLites nutrition facts[/url][br /][Ads /][br /][url HREF="http://www.littlebrowniebakers.com/products/samoas/" TARGET="" REL="nofollow"]Samoas nutrition facts[/url][br /][br /][b][u][center]If you love peanut butter...[/center][/u][/b][br /][media ID="1697021" /][br /]If peanut butter is your ultimate cookie ingredient, go for the Peanut Butter Sandwich, which might also be called Do-si-dos. Either way you're getting a crispy oatmeal sandwich with creamy peanut butter in the middle.[br /][br /][url HREF="http://abcbakersnutritionalvalues.com/peanut-butter-sandwich.html" TARGET="" REL="nofollow"]Peanut Butter Sandwich nutrition facts[/url][br /][url HREF="http://www.littlebrowniebakers.com/products/do-si-dos/" TARGET="" REL="nofollow"]Do-si-dos nutrition facts[/url][br /][br /][b][u][center]If you love peanut butter and chocolate...[/center][/u][/b][br /][media ID="1697019" /][br /]Get the Peanut Butter Patties, which might also go by the name Tagalongs. Either way, expect a crunchy cookie under a layer of peanut butter, all wrapped up in a chocolate coating.[br /][br /][url HREF="http://abcbakersnutritionalvalues.com/peanut-butter-patties.html" TARGET="" REL="nofollow"]Peanut Butter Patties nutrition facts (it's vegan!)[/url][br /][url HREF="http://www.littlebrowniebakers.com/products/tagalongs/" TARGET="" REL="nofollow"]Tagalongs nutrition facts[/url][br /][br /][b][u][center]If you love peanut butter, chocolate [i]and[/i] oatmeal...[/center][/u][/b][br /][br /]If you just can't decide which you love the most, there's a cookie for that. The Trios cookie, only sold in certain areas, is the perfect mix: a peanut butter oatmeal cookie sprinkled with chocolate chips.[br /][br /][url HREF="http://abcbakersnutritionalvalues.com/trios.html" TARGET="" REL="nofollow"]Trios nutrition facts (Available only where ABC Smart Cookies is used)[/url][br /][br /][b][u][center]If you love toffee...[/center][/u][/b][br /][br /]Cross your fingers that you live in an area that offers Toffee-tastic cookies. These buttery cookies have golden toffee bits stuffed inside them.[br /][Ads /][br /][br /][br /][url HREF="http://www.littlebrowniebakers.com/products/toffee-tastic/" TARGET="" REL="nofollow"]Toffee-tastic nutrition facts (Available only where Little Brownie Bakers is used)[/url][br /][br /][b][u][center]If you love lemon...[/center][/u][/b][br /][br /]You can get either the Lemonades (which are shortbread cookies with lemon-flavored icing) or the Savannah Smiles (which are lemon wedges covered in powdered sugar).[br /][br /][url HREF="http://abcbakersnutritionalvalues.com/lemonades.html" TARGET="" REL="nofollow"]Lemonades nutrition facts (It's vegan!)[/url][br /][url HREF="http://www.littlebrowniebakers.com/products/savannah-smiles/" TARGET="" REL="nofollow"]Savannah Smiles nutrition facts[/url][br /][br /][b][u][center]If you love shortbread...[/center][/u][/b][br /][media ID="1697023" /][br /]Plain and simple, Shortbread cookies are exactly what the name implies. Except where they're called Trefoils - then they're still shortbread cookies.[br /][br /][url HREF="http://abcbakersnutritionalvalues.com/shortbread.html" TARGET="" REL="nofollow"]Shortbread nutrition facts[/url][br /][url HREF="http://www.littlebrowniebakers.com/products/trefoil/" TARGET="" REL="nofollow"]Trefoil nutrition facts[/url][br /][br /]Additionally, if you'd like to give a shortbread cookie as a gift, the Thanks-A-Lot cookies come dipped in fudge with a sweet but simple "thank you" stamped across the middle.[br /][br /][url HREF="http://abcbakersnutritionalvalues.com/tal.html" TARGET="" REL="nofollow"]Thanks-A-Lot nutrition facts (Available only where ABC Smart Cookies is used. It's vegan!)[/url][br /][br /][i]Check your local Girl Scouts chapter to find out which baker is used and when they go on sale in your area.[br /][/i]
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