Sandy Kenyon talks with Oscar nominee Lucas Hedges of 'Manchester by the Sea'

Thursday, February 16, 2017
NEW YORK (WABC) -- At just 20 years old, actor Lucas Hedges is on the young end of Oscar nominees, earning a nomination for his role in 'Manchester By The Sea'.

But his work right now is taking him far from Hollywood.

Hedges, a first-time Oscar nominee, told me the Oscar nominees luncheon last week was like attending a high school graduation with famous people.

This very talented but humble young man can hardly believe his good fortune.

He's up for an Academy Award in the category of Best Supporting Actor.

A Massachusetts man finds himself appointed 'guardian', to the son of his late brother unexpectedly, and their testy relationship lies at the heart of 'Manchester by the Sea'.

Lucas Hedges more than holds his own here, which is all the more impressive when you consider the power of Casey Affleck's performance.

And both found themselves at the Oscar nominees luncheon in L.A.

"It really felt like a fairy tale," Hedges said. "I was sharing the moment with some of my idols, which made me really want to cry, and be really happy for a long time."

Just 20 years old, Hedges is the rare actor who is equally great on-screen as he is on-stage.

His reviews for 'Yen' off-Broadway have been as good as for his film.

Sandy: "Your life is full of contrasts right now."
Lucas: "Yessir!"
Sandy: "Between this little theater in New York and the Oscar hoopla out there."
Lucas: "Yeah."

Lucas told me a demanding play has helped him keep his ego in check.

"It demands that I do not get lost in, no pun intended, 'La La Land!'", said Hedges.

He calls the challenge of playing a troubled adolescent in 'Yen' a 'huge blessing'.

"Cuz stage fright has, was, almost stopped me from me from becoming an actor altogether," Lucas said. "In 7th grade, I got a lead in one of our plays, and became so scared I almost dropped out, and my mom encouraged me to reconsider, and I did it."

His first film role soon followed and now big signs Lucas Hedges is a star for tomorrow, here today.

Sandy: "It's a long way from 7th grade, isn't it Lucas?"
Lucas: "Yeah, that's for sure!"

One sign of his growing popularity is on social media like Instagram.

When I posted a photo of us, 'Miss Ramsey' commented "I am so obsessed with his performance in Manchester by the Sea! Captivating!!"
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