Up Close: What's next after the Mueller report?

Sunday, March 31, 2019
NEW YORK (WABC) -- So many hoped that once the Mueller Report was turned in, the sordid case might finally be turned off.

But that's not the case, not in the slightest.

President Donald Trump insists he has been completely vindicated, though the short summary of the 300 page report did not exactly say that.

Meanwhile vitriol and suspicion continue, and a country perhaps weary of investigations might have more investigations still to come.

New York Congressman Peter King, Republican from Long Island, joined us this week from his office in Massapequa Park.

Also with us to discuss the report are political consultant Hank Sheinkopf and from Washington, ABC News political director Rick Klein.
Up Close: The Mueller report

World Autism Awareness Day happens on Tuesday, with the United Nations declaring April 2 as a day to focus on raising awareness about people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

Despite the huge spike in awareness, 1 out of 59 people are diagnosed with autism in the US.

With us are Dr. Theresa Hamlin, the Associate Executive Director of The Center for Discovery, and Michael Rosen , the Executive Vice President of Marketing and Strategic Communications for the center.
Up Close: World Autism Awareness Day
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