Governor Cuomo talks COVID fatigue, calls for 'loving'

COVID-19 News and Information
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
NEW YORK (WABC) -- Governor Andrew Cuomo talked about COVID fatigue during his press conference on Wednesday and said it's a real issue many are facing.

He said that the virus doesn't rest, so everyone else can't either. But the governor acknowledged that it has caused a great deal of individual stress.

"It has caused a great deal of anxiety among a great number of people," he said. "We have a serious problem of the emotional stress and anxiety that COVID has caused, the longer it goes on the worse it is getting."

The adrenaline of the initial survival-type phase fades, he said, and now, it is over.

"It's worrisome," he said.

Substance abuse, domestic abuse, and mental hotline calls have all increased in the state of New York.

Cuomo said he sees signs of fatigue among people in his own social circle.

"I'm just telling you as a member of society, I have friends that I'm worried about, I speak to friends of my family that I am worried about, you can hear it in their voice, there is an emotional toll," he said.

The state is trying to increase services across the board.

"Today I would ask New Yorkers just to change the prioritization of who we think we are and move loving up to the top," Cuomo said. "Don't do what I do, I get someone on the phone and I get someone on the phone and say, "Everything good? Good, let's talk about this. Family good, everything good? Let's talk about this.' How's everything going, how do you feel, how are you dealing with this? It's more important than ever before, slowing down and asking the question and slowing down so the person can answer the question, and getting past the trite quick response, I'm fine, I'm fine, everybody's fine. Nobody's fine. You can't be going through this and be fine."

The governor called it a "terrible period" and said that loving should top the list behind New Yorkers also being smart, united, disciplined, and tough.

You can find more mental health resources HERE.


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