One couple met the requirements for the benefits, however, their check never made it to their mailbox. That's why they called Nina Pineda and 7 On Your Side to make sure their money found its way home.
Ida Camillieri and her husband, Joseph, have raised their family in their house for the last 29 years.
As New Jersey residents, they qualified for the state's ANCHOR program.
"It's a tax benefit program where the state gives $1,500 back to homeowners who own their home," Ida said.
Benefits should have been dispersed by November 1.
"Everyone else was getting their checks. And I was like, what's going on?" Ida said.
It turns out the Camillieris check got swiped, but with just a simple printed name endorsed on the back of the check, it was cleared and cashed.
"It was sent the last week of November, and it was already cash by the 5th," they said.
After months of calls and emails to fix the fraud, they finally had enough.
"Well, this is something I really think that Nina from 7 On Your Side should look into, and he turned around, he goes, 'Honey, she's not going to be able to do anything,'" Ida said.
But oh honey we did! 7 On Your Side tracked down New Jersey's Treasury and the Division of Taxation.
Ida was issued a new check shortly after we got involved and the $1,500 check was back under her roof.
"Thanks to you, yes, thank you, all would never have happened without you. Nina 7 On Your Side, amen," Ida said.
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7 On Your Side: 2024 Year in Review
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