Disney GIFs Guaranteed to Make You Smile

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Saturday, May 9, 2015

This story first appeared on OhMyDisney and is reprinted with permission.

Hey! How's it going? Are you doing okay? Has it been a while since you last smiled? We want to change that, with these Disney GIFs that are guaranteed to turn that frown upside down:

Double smile, double cute.

Great 'do.

Classic dog chases tail action is always a winner.

When Peg met Herc. (It was cute at first sight.)

Does someone need a smile? Max is on the case!

Also, smiling makes life more colorful!

Oh, a pretty butterfly. That's definitely not a bother.

Even good food can make you smile.

It might also help to put on some music and shake it like an alien-dog impersonating Elvis.

The cuuute has arrived.

Okay, bye for now!

The Walt Disney Company is the parent company of this station.