Happy Comic Book Day! We count down the best Marvel movies

ByJustin Sedgwick WABC logo
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Celebrate National Comic Book Day with these thrilling Marvel movies.
Marvel / Disney

Strap on your spandex on iron out your capes, because it's National Comic Book Day!

Whether you've been collecting vintage comics since you were five-years-old or just enjoy watching Iron Man and Captain America wallop up alien foes and intergalactic overlords, there's something that everyone can love about National Comic Book day. To celebrate, we're giving you the top seven Marvel movies.

7. Thor (2011)


Gross: $181,030,624

Like an unexpected bolt of lightning, "Thor" arrived and blasted away the box office competition in 2011. But beyond the thrilling action and tender love story, "Thor" is most remembered for the introduction of Loki, the fiendish God of Mischief whose charisma and cool alien swagger made him the one of the most cherished Marvel characters to date, second to "Iron Man's" Tony Stark.

6. X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)


Gross: $233,863,515

The only comic book movie that acts as a sequel, a prequel, and a franchise reboot, "X-Men: Days of Future Past" was thrilling as mutant favorite Wolverine travels back in time and teams up with the past versions of Professor X and Magneto to stop a horrible dystopian future. Marvel gave fans what they wanted for years with a new/old "X-Men" cast crossover, and the results paid out big time.

5. Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)


Gross: $259,766,572

"Captain America: The Winter Soldier" gave one of the freshest plot overhauls to the standard Marvel story formula, operating not so much as a comic book film as an espionage spy thriller. Chris Evans shows true pathos as Steve Rogers / Captain America, as he questions the moral righteousness of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the U.S. government. It was certainly the broadest departure from atypical Marvel films, but that's what makes it one of the best.

4. Spider-Man 2 (2004)


Gross: $262,030,663

With great power comes great responsibility. But as Peter Parker learns, with great power doesn't come happiness. "Spider-Man 2" gave riveting action sequences between the web-slinger and Doc. Ock, but the movie is best remembered for Parker's choice to put away the spidey-suit and pursue his best interests over the city's safety. Peter's struggle to follow his own path versus the one that's been webbed up for him showed moviegoers that even superheroes can still be human.

3. Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)


Gross: $314,926,408

Mixing equal parts "Star Wars" and "The Avengers," "Guardians of the Galaxy" opened up broad new storytelling dimensions in the Marvel universe. Chris Pratt's cool and charismatic take on Peter Quill placed him on the uppermost Tony Stark tier of iconic Marvel heroes. Throw in some thrilling space battles cut from the same "Star Wars" cloth and enough jokes to invoke gut-churning laughter in audiences while they're still strapped to their seat, and you have not only the most inventive Marvel movie, but one of the best action/sci-fi flicks in the past few years.

2. Iron Man (2008)


Gross: $318,412,101

"Iron Man" was far from the first Marvel movie ever released (that honor goes to 1986's critically-panned "Howard the Duck.") But "Iron Man" was the first movie to establish the groundwork for the studio's future releases and cannon, and helped majorly make comic book flick relevant to mainstream audience. But at the center of it all is Tony Stark, the brash and brilliant playboy millionaire who can dish out an iron-sized punch as quickly as his trademark one liners.

1. The Avengers (2012)

Celebrate National Comic Book Day with these thrilling Marvel movies.
Marvel / Disney

Gross: $623,357,910

It had Tony Stark leading a group of reluctant heroes with big muscles and even bigger personalities. It had the best Marvel villain ever reprising his role from "Thor" and adding more flesh to his mischievous character. It had an epic, interplanetary battle across the streets of Manhattan. And with an impeccable script written and directed by fanboy king Joss Whedon, plus a hilarious and mouth warming shwarma post-credit scene, "The Avengers" had all the pieces necessary for a Marvel masterpiece, and it delivered on every front.

ABC Owned Television Stations and Marvel are both part of The Walt Disney Company.