Save My Life takes you inside the ER

Wednesday, July 22, 2015
'Save My Life' takes you inside the ER
Sandy Kenyon has a look at the new ABC show.

NEW YORK (WABC) -- Patients in peril yell "Save My Life: Boston Trauma" and trauma surgeons respond while we watch.

"There are many things that if you don't seek help the first 90 minutes, you may die," producer Terry Wrong said.

Wrong and his crews have been in emergency rooms for 15 years now.

"Recording what's really happening as it's happening and not interfering with it and that's what we do," he said.

His NY Med was a hit last summer. This time his documentaries are set in Boston.

Viewers meet patients when they are most vulnerable.

"At a moment of extreme uncertainty where their fate, their outcome really hangs in the balance," Wrong said. "And then there will be a medical intervention and then hopefully healing."

His crews follow each case for months.

"Seeking the right kind of medical help - at the right moment is one of the great educational messages we try to convey with this program," Wrong said.

If you missed the premiere episode, Save My Life: Boston Trauma is available on WATCH ABC. The series continues on Sunday night at 10, followed by Eyewitness News at 11.

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