Gov. Andrew Cuomo calls for more training after Taser, panic at Penn Station

Sunday, April 16, 2017
Chaos for commuters after man Tasered at Penn Station
AJ Ross has the story.

NEW YORK (WABC) -- New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is now calling for more first responder training after the chaos at Penn Station on Friday.

Cuomo discussed the situation Saturday after an open house in Albany.

He said first responders have to be trained not to panic and to be trained further in how to handle an anxious public.

"People are so on edge, they're so nervous, they're so now attuned to terrorist attack, etc. They're very quick to panic," said Cuomo. "When you have hundreds of people panicking, that in itself causes chaos."

The mass hysteria and confusion at Penn Station was sparked when Amtrak police Tased a man for disobeying orders.

Thousands of people ran in every direction, leaving behind their shoes, luggage, and other valuables fearing the absolute worst.

Watch raw video showing chaos inside Penn Station.

Panicked screams were followed by a stampede of travelers during the peak of the rush hour commute.

Eyewitness News' cameras were there as transit police used the Taser. He managed to get away from officers, but was tackled moments later.


Amtrak police used a Taser on man inside Penn Station.

In the midst of the chaos, some people overheard a false rumor that there was an active shooter in the terminal sparking a frenzied domino effect all the way to the NJ Transit terminal.

Eyewitness News Reporter Lauren Glassberg got caught up in the chaos.

EMS treated 16 patients with non-life threatening injuries at Penn Station.

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