Lake Katrine man accused of flying camera drone near Ulster hospital

ByMarcus Solis and Web produced by Jennifer Matarese WABC logo
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Man accused of flying drone with camera near hospital
Marcus Solis reporting on a rogue drone

KINGSTON, N.Y. (WABC) -- A man was arrested for flying a drone close to an Ulster hospital.

The cement still isn't fully dry at the new medical facility, but already the three day old building is embroiled in controversy.

An image taken from the drone has landed a 49-year old Ulster County man under arrest.

Dave Beesmer has been charged with unlawful surveillance after he used his camera-equipped drone to shoot images of the building operated by Mid Hudson Medical Group.

Police say the device was too close to the building and to patient rooms where medical examinations were taking place.

On his Facebook page Beesmer wrote, "Yesterday I made a huge error in judgment." He says he shot the footage while taking his mother to an appointment there.

But he denies any sinister intentions. Beesmer says he even showed the footage to employees, suggesting they could use it as promotional material.

Beesmer has shot various clips around his home in Lake Katrine and says he will not stop droning, "This is the wave of the future...and I will be a part of it."

And as for the suggestion that he's a high tech peeping tom, Beesmer wrote, "I understand that people inside were alarmed, however as you can see from the footage I posted that there is no way that my camera can see through tinted windows. I know that but understand that they do not."

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