Activists gather for anti-discrimination rally at Stonewall National Monument in Village

ByCeFaan Kim WABC logo
Sunday, February 5, 2017
Thousands show up for anti-discrimination rally Saturday at Stonewall
Thousands show up for anti-discrimination rally Saturday at StonewallCeFaan Kim has more from Greenwich Village.

GREENWICH VILLAGE, Manhattan (WABC) -- Several activist groups rallied outside the historic Stonewall National Monument Saturday against discrimination in the new administration.

According to GLAAD, the LGBTQ Solidarity Rally in Greenwich Village was planned to demonstrate resistance to "discriminatory actions against immigrants, asylum seekers, refugees, and more."

A never-ending sea of protesters participated in the rally, some with their backs against a wall. They stand up, because they say it feels like their backs are up against a wall.

However the rally was not all united.

At the LGBTQ solidarity rally was New York Senator Charles Schumer. The Senate minority leader marched facing a smattering of opposition.

"I think he needs to grow a spine. I think he, I'm an activist, and I think he needs to be an obstructionist, just like McDonnell was from the day Obama took office. Obstruct, obstruct, obstruct," said Joseph Conforti.

The rally mobilized when a draft of an executive order circulated this week that would have curbed LGBT rights. ABC News has learned that President Trump will continue the worker protection order, but organizers say they have to be prepared for anything.

"This is an unpredictable White House that makes very erratic policy decisions, and reacts to what's happening in the media in a really non-traditional way, so we have to be out in front of these fights, we have to be out in front of them early, we're worried about this executive order," says GLAAD Vice President Zeke Stokes.

There are no official numbers yet on exactly how many people attended the rally, but it certainly seemed to be in the several thousands.


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