Coronavirus News: More than 600 NYPD officers back at work after positive COVID-19 tests

Saturday, April 11, 2020
NEW YORK CITY (WABC) -- More than 600 uniformed NYPD officers who had previously tested positive for coronavirus have recovered and returned to work, Commissioner Dermot Shea said Friday.

And for the first time since the crisis began, more officers have returned to work than are out sick.

"The very good news today, trying to pull any good news we can see, for the first day in 27 days, 27 straight days of up people sick, until today," he said. "The best email I got this morning that I woke up to, we had more people coming back to work than going out sick. There is light at the end of the tunnel."

Shea said about 20% of the department remains out sick and then video conferenced with two police officers -- Officer Christian Calvanga from the 75th Precinct and Officer Kenny DuBois from the 90th Precinct, both in Brooklyn -- who tested positive for COVID-19 and are now back on the job.

"I'm still a cop at heart," Shea said. "I get inspirational just seeing you come back to work and joining your brothers and sisters."

Both officers said they are feeling 100% better.


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