Harlem PRIDE Is Marching Into The Future - 365 Days A Year. Proudly Sponsored By TD Bank

Wednesday, April 3, 2024
TD Bank Celebrates Pride

NEW YORK -- Pride doesn't stop in June and neither does TD Bank's commitment to the LGBTQ2+ community.

TD Bank is helping to make progress by supporting organizations that provide expanded health and wellness services, provide safe spaces, fight against financial inequality, and amplify voices.

TD Bank's drive for positive change never stops which is why we are proud to support organizations like Harlem Pride. Their founders saw an opportunity to celebrate not just the Same Gender Loving/LGBTQ2+ community, but its role and contributions to Harlem's rich history was a big part of how Harlem Pride began. Since 2010, Harlem Pride has provided programing, activities and advocates for the safety and well-being of the Harlem SGL/LGBTQ2+ community.

To learn more about Harlem Pride, visit https://harlempride.org/.

Visit www.td.com/foreverproud, to learn more about how TD Bank, American's Most Convenient Bank, supports the LGBTQ+ community.