The Organic Pharmacy offers noninvasive health assessment

Lauren Glassberg Image
Thursday, September 10, 2015
The Organic Pharmacy offers noninvasive health assessment
Lauren Glassberg has the story

WEST VILLAGE (WABC) -- There's an alternative health option that's growing in popularity. It's a non-invasive way to get insight into what's going on in your body.

Lots of people are looking for a way to get healthy, without medicine, and are opting for a homeopathic approach.

There's a scan that many homeopaths use that can get a snap shot of organ function, vitamin deficiencies, digestive issues, and stress.

It's noninvasive, painless, a little wacky, and kind of fun.

"The organic pharmacy offers a holistic approach," said Sheila Kumar, a homeopath. "Homeopathic remedies supplements and herbs."

There are no prescriptions for antibiotics here.

Instead, at the Organic Pharmacy you'll find topical and ingestible products.

"Handmade in small batches without fillers or synthetics they're 100 percent natural and between 90-95 percent organic certified," Kumar said.

Kumar can figure out what's right for you through a 90 minute health assessment.

She first takes a thorough history to gain a holistic understanding.

"We're going to see you in terms of mentally emotionally where you're at we're going to look for a remedy for mental, emotional as well as physical, so that can bring balance to you as a whole," Kumar said.

And then it's time to for the EIS scan.

"It actually measures something called interstitial fluid," Kumar said.

That's the fluid between the cells.

Then you place your hands and feet on metal plates. You are zapped with teeny tiny currents that you don't even feel.

A computer analyzes that fluid and the scan takes three minutes.

The key issue on this scan was fatigue and Shelia recommends holy basil for that.

It's going to help exhaustion as well," Kumar said.

She also can create a tincture for tummy woes.

To scan provides a snap shot of your health, but isn't meant to be diagnostic.

The 90 minute health assessment runs $200 and is available on Fridays and Saturdays at the Organic Pharmacy in the West Village.

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