Celebrating Bronx Week 2019

Friday, May 3, 2019

NEW YORK -- Bronx Week is almost here: A highly-anticipated celebration of the best and the brightest around the borough! The festival honors citizens and institutions contributing to the rich culture and diversity that make the Bronx so unique.

The week kicks off May 10th with the annual Bankers Breakfast, with hundreds of business and professional leaders gathering.

Saturday, May 11th is the Annual Health Day Event - this year, highlighted by a first-ever Father and Child Softball Classic.

There's the Bronx Ball on May 18th: A black-tie, star-studded event.

And on May 19th, the big celebration: The Parade - Bronx pride on display as marching bands, schools, groups and some famous faces march along Mosolu Parkway. After the parade, enjoy Bronx Week Food and Arts festival, with lots of fun, health screenings, and insurance information on site.

Learn much more about all these events at ilovethebronx.com, or visit them on their Facebook or Twitter pages.

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