New Jersey senior dance troop stays fit and youthful through music

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Friday, December 6, 2019
Senior dance troop tears up the dance floor in New Jersey
This senior dance troop has been kickin' it to the beat for over 20 years!

BRIDGEWATER, New Jersey -- Dancing to the beat of Grease Lighting and Bruno Mars' Uptown Funk, the Bridgewater Roxies have been entertaining audiences for over 20 years.

The senior dance troop, whose ages range from 59 to 86, has become a family and support system. Maintaining the dancer's fitness and motivation to move through energetic choreography.

"I am a little old lady, but when I'm here I feel young!" said Dorothy Turse, a Bridgewater Roxie.

Led by their choreographer Donna Langel, Senior Services Coordinator at Bridgewater Township Senior Center, the Roxies perform at schools, hospitals, and senior centers throughout New Jersey.

"This is not just a dance group. It's a special group of friends that have battled a lot of their problems too. I know that when I started I had lost my mother and I believe that this was a gift from above because I came here every night just to choreograph routines and found that this helped me get through the loss of my mother," said Langel.

The group rehearses three days a week to a variety of dance genres for multiple events throughout the year.

"It's being with friends, socializing, sharing, and networking. We enjoy being with one another and the exercise is great. It's important to keep your mind stimulated and get those little grey cells working," said Turse.


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