New Jersey teacher to push paralyzed alum through NYC Marathon

Saturday, November 2, 2019
New Jersey teacher to push paralyzed alum through NYC Marathon
With the help of Joseph Rooney, a teacher at Mike Nichols' former high school, both will be crossing the finish line at the NYC marathon while raising critical funds for the Reeve

MONROE, New Jersey (WABC) -- After suffering a spinal-cord injury during a high school hockey game back in 2014, Mike Nichols' life changed in a blink of an eye.

He can't move his legs and has limited use of his arms, but Nichols' courageous spirit has only been strengthened by his determination to gain mobility once again and live in a world of empty wheelchairs.

Now with the help of his friend, Joseph Rooney, a teacher at Mike's former high school, both will be crossing the finish line at the TCS New York City Marathon while raising critical funds for the Reeve Foundation and spinal cord research.

"Throughout the years of keeping in touch with him after his injury he has continued to be a force of motivation in my life and motivated me in all aspects," Rooney said.

As the big day approaches, Nichols and Rooney are excited not only to run the marathon but to raise funds for such an important cause as the Reeve Foundation,raising a voice against paralysis.

"I feel like I'm a small part of a very big idea and a big picture and the big idea is we want to have a world without wheelchairs," said Joseph Rooney.


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