High School seniors get free prom, graduation pictures

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Tuesday, July 28, 2020
Free prom and graduation pictures for local seniors
Free prom and graduation pictures for local seniorsCandids by Candy 's free sessions served as a way for seniors to salvage some of their senior year and feel a sense of accomplishment.

COVID-19 has robbed high school seniors of major milestones that make up their senior year and Candy Manning wanted to do something about it.

She has a Photography business, Candids by Candy, in addition to her job as a fulltime teacher and real estate agent.

She has been offering these free sessions as a way for high school seniors to salvage what little is left of their senior year.

While Proms across the nation have been canceled, this allows the student to still put that gorgeous dress on and have a memento; and many won't be able to walk the stage to get their diploma but they can still up on the cap and gown and feel a sense of accomplishment.