Sen. Bob Menendez to resign in August after federal corruption trial

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Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Sen. Bob Menendez to resign in August after conviction
Anthony Johnson has the latest on the resignation.

NEW JERSEY (WABC) -- Sen. Bob Menendez, who was recently convicted of federal corruption charges, is resigning his office effective Aug. 20.

Staff members were informed of the senator from New Jersey's decision Tuesday and it was entered into the record on the Senate floor later in the afternoon.

The official resignation was submitted to Gov. Phil Murphy who will select an interim replacement.

"I do not want the Senate to be involved in a lengthy process that will detract from its important work," Menendez wrote to Murphy, explaining his decision to resign his Senate seat.

But Menendez was defiant until the end and said, "I fully intend to appeal the jury's verdict, all the way and including to the Supreme Court."

Menendez said his resignation date of Aug. 20 "will give time for my staff to transition to other possibilities, transfer constituent files that are pending, allow for an orderly process to choose an interim replacement, and for me to close out my Senate affairs."

He ticked off a list of "the many accomplishments I've had on behalf of New Jersey," noting that the "successes led you, Governor, to call me the 'Indispensable Senator.'"

Murphy released a statement and said he will exercise his duty to make a temporary appointment to the Senate "to ensure the people of New Jersey have the representation they deserve."

There are several names already in the hat -- including first lady Tammy Murphy, Lt. Gov. Tahesha Way, Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman, former chief of staff George Helmy, former Secretary of State Nina Mitchell Wells, or federal Judge Esther Salas.

However, Tammy Murphy said she will not accept an appointment from her husband to serve for the remainder of Menendez's term.

"While I'm grateful for the humbling support and outreach I've received since last year, I want to reiterate that I will not accept an appointment to the U.S. Senate," she said. "As I said in March, I am completely focused on the critical work of boosting infant and maternal health, combating climate change, and uplifting the voices of those in greatest need."

Rep. Andy Kim has already said he will take the seat if asked, but that would temporarily vacate his current NJ-3 seat, leaving Democrats down a vote in the Republican-led House at a crucial time.

"Senator Menendez has made the right decision for New Jersey by agreeing to step down next month," Kim said in a statement. "It's time for New Jersey to move forward. We have big challenges ahead of us, and we can only tackle them if we show the people of our state that this is the beginning of a new era of politics built on integrity, service, and delivering for all families."

Menendez was found guilty of "corruption on a massive scale" after prosecutors said he took bribes in exchange for official acts.

He refused to step down even as the evidence around him was overwhelming and vowed to fight on.

"I think it was incredibly hard, I think he's dedicated his life, starting at the very very local level, to serving his constituents," said Seton Hall Professor Matthew Hale. "I think he recognized he didn't have a lot of friends who were going to stand up for him with a conviction on his record, it was a tough decision but he recognized it was the only decision he could make."

The jury's verdict followed a nine-week trial in which prosecutors said the Democrat abused the power of his office to protect allies from criminal investigations and enrich associates, including his wife, through acts that included meeting with Egyptian intelligence officials and helping that country access millions of dollars in U.S. military aid.

Menendez, 70, did not testify. He insisted publicly he was only doing his job as the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He said the gold bars found in his New Jersey home by the FBI belonged to his wife, Nadine Menendez. She too was charged but her trial was postponed so she could recover from breast cancer surgery. She has pleaded not guilty.

(The Associated Press contributed to this report.)

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