Prosecutors: New Jersey school official inappropriately touched teen

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Sunday, April 26, 2015
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ROXBURY (WABC) -- The assistant principal of a high school in New Jersey has been arrested for allegedly molesting a teenager.

55-year old Roger Schneider works at Roxbury High School in Morris County.

Prosecutors say he inappropriately touched a 15-year old who was living with Schneider part-time, with the consent of the child's parents.

The teen is not a student in the Roxbury district.

Bail was set at $100,000 cash for Schneider, who was charged Saturday with child endangerment and aggravated criminal sexual contact.

Morris County prosecutors say the alleged victim was 15 when the incidents occurred and is not a student in the Roxbury district, but further details - including the teen's gender - were not released.

Prosecutors say the teen disclosed the incidents to another person this week.

The abuse allegedly happened from August 2013 to January 2015 at Schneider's home.

(The Associated Press contributed to this report.)

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