Young survivor donating Band-Aids to help cancer patients

Monday, July 24, 2017
Young survivor donating Band-Aids to help child cancer patients
Kristin Thorne reports on a little girl, who survived cancer, now giving back in a way she knows from experience will help kids waging their own battle.

MINEOLA, Long Island (WABC) -- A little girl who survived cancer is now giving back in a way she knows from experience will help kids waging their own battle.

When 5-year-old Cassidy McCarthy was going through chemotherapy for stage 4 renal cancer which had also spread to her lungs, the one thing that made her feel better was fun Band-Aids.

"Hello Kitty and My Little Pony," Cassidy said.

"She overheard one of the nurses one day say they were short on kids Band-Aids," said Jessica McCarthy, Cassidy's mother. "She said, 'Let's do this mom. Let's donate some kids Band-Aids.'"

So when Cassidy got a clean bill of health in May, she decided it was time to embark upon her next mission.

She's been collecting Band-Aids on the front step of her house in West Babylon.

"There's school organizations, cheerleading groups, sports groups, random people have been donating," McCarthy said.

Last month Cassidy donated more than 450 fun, cool kid, Band-Aids to NYU Winthrop Hospital Cancer Center for Kids.

"Does this ever get full?" Eyewitness News asked.

"Yes it does. Then we will do it and do the same thing all over again," Cassidy said.

The McCarthy family's charity isn't ending with the Band-Aids. They're also trying to help a local charity which helped pay for Cassidy's treatment.

"They've been raising money to pay the foundation back as best they can. That's incredible," said Tom Pendergast, the Heather Pendergast Fund.

What's also incredible is Cassidy's goal to collect 1,000 boxes of Band-Aids every year.

"You're going to keep this doing all the time? Eyewitness News asked.

"Years and years, yep!" Cassidy said.

If you would like to donate Band-Aids, you can drop them off at NYU Winthrop Hospital Cancer Center for Kids in Mineola or more information can be found at

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