NYC to require flu shots in city regulated preschools and child care centers

Lucy Yang Image
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
City to require flu shots for all young children
Lucy Yang reports from Park Slope.

NEW YORK (WABC) -- The New York City Health Department says it will now mandate flu shots for children in all city regulated preschools and child care centers.

Beginning December 31st, children aged 6-59 months will be required to receive the flu shot.

The department says this new rule was designed to address the increased risk for flu facing children under age five in group settings such as licensed child care centers or preschools.

Last flu season, the CDC reported 109 pediatric related deaths across the U.S. due to complications from the flu.

To date this flu season, seven pediatric deaths have been reported nationwide.

In an effort to get through this next flu season as painlessly as possible, a new city mandate went into effect: all young children must get the flu vaccine.

As Zoey O'Toole and her children get ready for Christmas there is one thing they won't be getting, and that's flu shots. They don't believe in vaccines.

"The risks for the flu shot are pretty high, the benefit is not that good," O'Toole said.

Tuesday, the New York City Health Department announced mandatory flu shots for young children. Children ages six months to five years old, anyone in day care or preschool regulated by the city, must be vaccinated by the end of the year.

"Unfortunately some of these children die from influenza, that's why we have this requirement," said Dr. Jane Zucker, NYC Department of Health.

"If it keeps the kids healthy, I have no problem with it, both of my kids got their flu shots," one parent said.

"My daughter is in a daycare center, they are small spaces, there are so many children," another mother said.

"It's better to be safe than sorry. Why put your family at risk and put others at risk, these kids are like petrie dishes," a woman said.

O'Toole's children are past their preschool years, but Eyewitness News is told there are many other families like them who will fight this new vaccination order.

"It hurts my heart because I know there will be children harmed," O'Toole said.

O'Toole says the city at the very least should allow for religious exemptions or brace for a fight.

Health officials say New York City is following in the footsteps of other jurisdictions that put into place similar policies, such as Connecticut and New Jersey.

In a four-year time frame, Connecticut implemented a flu shot requirement for children aged 6-59 months, and as a result, the state saw vaccination rates skyrocket to 84.1 percent from 67.8 percent.