Tips on how to avoid being scammed by QR codes from unexpected gifts

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Thursday, August 29, 2024
Tips on how to avoid being scammed by QR codes from unexpected gifts
7 On Your Side's Nina Pineda has the latest

NEW YORK CITY (WABC) -- Who doesn't love a present arriving at their door? We all do.

But recently, some of those surprise gifts are part of a new scam that involves QR codes.

"Brushing" is when a person receives packages or parcels containing various items which were not ordered or requested by the recipient. While the package may be addressed to the recipient, there is not a return address, or the return address could be that of a retailer along with a card asking them to scan a QR code to learn the sender's identity.

Scanning the code then gives scammers access to the victim's phone and, with it, all of their personal and financial information This often results in the victim's bank account being drained.

While it may seem like a victimless crime, the information obtained may be used for scams and other illicit activities.

So how can you avoid getting scammed?

- If someone you know sends you a QR code, confirm before scanning it. Whether you receive a text message from a friend or a message on social media from your coworker, contact that person directly before you scan the QR code to make sure they haven't been hacked.

- Don't open links from strangers. If you receive an unsolicited message from a stranger, don't scan the QR code, even if they promise you exciting gifts or investment opportunities.

- Verify the source. If a QR code appears to come from a reputable source, it's wise to double-check. If the correspondence appears to come from a government agency, call or visit their official website to confirm.

-Be wary of short links. If a URL-shortened link appears when you scan a QR code, understand that you can't know where the code is directing you.

Experts say personal information from data brokers and people-search sites can be hard to remove -- spam sites add people back monthly -- so it's helpful to have a service perform the removal.

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