NEW YORK (WABC) -- There's a disturbing new study about the pests found on a pest running around New York City, rats.
Researchers examined thousands of fleas, lice, and mites found on city rodents.
Among them: the very same fleas that spread the bubonic plague.
Rats have been spotted feasting on the tracks and even running along the platform.
Safe to safe, rats are pretty disgusting. But did you know they also carry diseases?
Researchers analyzed more than 6,000 fleas, mites, and lice that were plucked off these New York City rodents and tested them for pathogens which can spread to humans.
They found Bartonella, a bacterial infection that hits the red blood cells and can lead to severe medical problems. The disease is spread by fleas which feed off diseased rats.
"It's pretty disgusting. You had to know they were dirty already right? Don't need research to tell you that. Unnerving especially the ones as big as a huge cat. Pretty scary," a city resident said.
Clearly, you never want to let a rat get too close to you; besides the fear factor, you don't want a flea to jump off that rat and onto your leg.
At the 72nd Street Subway stop, Eyewitness News saw everything from baby rats to a big one scurrying past commuters.
One woman was unaware how close the rat was until someone warned her.
"It's scary knowing they can jump onto the platform and get so close," one subway rider said.
"I'm terrified of rats," another rider said.
As disturbing as the results are, researchers say there are things all of us can do including never feeding the rats.
All of the garbage thrown onto the tracks turns into a smorgasbord for unwanted rodents and helps them multiply.
"You shouldn't throw food garbage on tracks. Attracts rats and mice. People should throw garbage in cans," another subway rider said.