Getting dangerous bus stop changed

Seven On Your Side
NEW YORK Karen Bringman knows how lucky she and her kids are. A few weeks ago a grey car skidded off the road so fast it severed a telephone pole. Just minutes before the crash, her kids were on that corner waiting for their school bus.

Months before that accident parents had been pleading with the Arlington Central Schools to move the stop.

The bus stop is on Cramer road, a well travelled, windy stretch that's been home to a slew of accidents in past years.

"When you talk about 70 accidents over a 15 year period, I mean that's a lot of accidents on a particular road," says Assemblyman Joel Miller.

Seven on your Side found there were four accidents in just the last two years alone, either at or very close to the kids' bus stop.

"There's so many turns, it's just dangerous," said Bringman.

Karen wants the stop moved off Cramer to Horseshoe road, a low traveled residential area.

She adds, "They could come up, pick the kids up at their driveway, and then just go back onto Cramer."

But the school says that option is "more dangerous", because the bus would have to make a risky turn back onto Cramer.

Miller responds, "What is it going to take the school board to do something? Tappy it's gonna take your show."

so we called the district's superintendent, who approached the school board again, and this time the school took the parents advice moving the stop to the side street.

The Superintendent told us they pulled a school van off a different route to temporarily fix the problem. He said more visibility studies would be done before a normal sized school bus would pick up the kids.Either way there will be no more pickups on that dangerous road.

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