Long Island man posts signs in lieu of stop sign

LONG BEACH At 71 years old, Long Beach resident Richie Boodman is passionate about two things. Public safety and the freedom of expression. So when city officials refused to put a stop sign up at a dangerous street corner, Boodman decided to fight back in a rather unusual way.

He's posting signs on his property pointing out the dangers.

Boodman says he begged the city to put up a stop sign on the south east corner of Monroe Boulevard five years ago. He says people are confused because there are stop signs at nearly every other corner. And he adds that motorists regularly race down the street.

But Boodmans worst fear was realized when he watched in horror last year as a bicyclist was mowed down on his way to church.

So Boodman put signs up in September after the city refused to take action. He says he not affiliated with any party, but he is blaming the Republican administration. One of his signs says to thank the party for the dangerous corner.

City manager Charles Theofan believes it's political, pointing out that Boodman doesn't have to blame any particular party but does.

Even though he's facing fines and possible jail time, Boodman says he has no intention of pulling the signs. If it saves one life, he says that's good enough reason for breaking the law.

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