If you're looking for a last-minute getaway but can't afford to have spring break travel plans breaking the bank, 7 On Your Side has ways to save and find deals from the area.
With a few weeks until the spring break window that usually bookends Easter weekend, there is only one week left to take advantage of the 21 day advance as fares creep up daily as it gets closer.
"After 21 days on day 20, that price that you saw the day before its going to disappear and another price is going to take its place. But oftentimes it's $100 or $200 more expensive," said travel expert Katy Nastro with Going.com.
Nastro says let the deal decide where you're going.
"If you're just looking to travel in general, flip it on its head, let the deal decide and oftentimes you're going to be saving money going to a place you haven't been and having a fantastic time," Nastro said.
Deals pop up at any given moment and flights can happen whenever.
There are tools out there.
You can look in the Explore page on Google Flights.
There's a map that tells you in real time where those deals are from your closest airport or even airports that you're following.
If you're open to traveling, you can also get on Amtrak to Boston and fly out of Boston to get a cheaper flight versus flying out of New York.
Some great deals for New Yorkers include places like Charleston, New Orleans or Puerto Rico.
Once you decide where, the when you travel is another hack to shaving costs including avoiding peak travel days.
"We're seeing prices, price differences in terms of round trips of about 20% savings if you just target those days of flying out on a Tuesday, coming back on a Saturday," Nastro said.
Nastro says budget airlines offer cheap last minute options, but paying less does mean zero flexibility on changes and no refunds and you might need to pay for bag.
If you don't want to fly on a budget airline look at two one way flights.
"If you were to say fly out to Los Angeles on American and back on Jet Blue these are ways you can cobble together a round trip and save overall versus another," Nastro said.
Sign up for price alerts.
You can watch for deals on search engines like Google Flights or Hopper which will notify you when a fare you are watching drops so you can lock it in.
Something else you don't want to wait on is getting your REAL ID before the federal deadline on May 7th.
After that, you won't be able to travel without one unless you have your passport.
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