It's a Bee's Life: Experience the ancient magic of beekeeping

ByJanel Andronico, CCG
Monday, August 22, 2022
This immersive beekeeping class has everyone buzzing
Suit up and experience the magic of beekeeping at 'A Bee's Life' in Carmel, California.

CARMEL, Calif. -- This immersive beekeeping class at Carmel Valley Ranch has everyone buzzing! From beekeeping 101 to honey tasting, "A Bee's Life" encourages visitors to suit up and experience what goes on in the hive.

"We start out kind of talking about the life cycle of a bee, some of the phenomenon that they exhibit, kind of getting over that initial fear," said Chris Riley, Apiary Manager, Carmel Valley Ranch.

He added, "And then we go down to the apiary, suit up, and go open up a beehive, and pass bees around amongst each other. And after that we do honey tasting."

A Bee's Life urges everyone to expand their understanding of and be kind to bees, as they are important to the health and prosperity of our ecosystems.

"With our society, we need to have bees because they pollinate our crops, and I heard that about three out of four bites of food that you eat are connected to the honeybee pollination industry," explained Riley.

After safely interacting with and seeing the bees in action, visitors get a sweet reward--honey tasting! Everyone is welcome to sample the ranch's raw, unfiltered honey, as well as herb-infused honey varieties.

"Bees aren't looking for a fight, they're out there to do their work and bring home resources," said Riley. "I find that moving with the pace of nature, kind of moving slow and steady, and kind of having that good vibe will help the bees do better with your presence."

He added, "And you're respectful towards them, they'll be respectful back."

For more information about A Bee's Life, visit here.

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