Magic Restroom Cafe is flush with originality


Zin Han, manager of the restaurant, says the Magic Restroom Cafe is inspired by similar restaurants in China and Japan. But in the states, Han says he's enjoying a porcelain monopoly.

The seats at the Magic Restroom Cafe are toilets, and meals are served in miniature toilets. Maryann Lavayen found a practical side to the toilet seats.

"We got our purses in here," she said as she lifted the toilet seat cover. "We know where they're at."

So, how do you describe a restaurant like this? It's a place flush with originality. It's got food that will bowl you over. And even though the seats aren't very comfortable, you're relieved that there aren't any stools.

Doug Bassett of Altadena said he would consider bringing his wife to the restaurant, adding, "She's used to seeing me on the toilet."

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