NEW YORK (WABC) -- For those trying to follow a healthy diet, Consumer Reports' nutrition experts warn that a person can overdo eating some healthy foods, even fruits and vegetables.
It's best to eat a wide variety of them, and sticking to just a few may mean you're not getting all the nutrients you need -- or getting too much of some.
For instance, foods with beta carotene, the orange pigment plentiful in vegetables like carrots and sweet potatoes, supply the body with vitamin A and help fight cell damage. But eat too much of them and your skin can turn orangey. Cut back, and that color will fade.
Many fruits and veggies are packed with fiber, such as beans and whole grains. But upping your fiber intake too much too soon can cause gas and bloating. And too much fiber overall may block the absorption of some nutrients.
It's always best to get your fiber from foods that contain it naturally, as foods that are fortified with fiber may be more likely to cause stomach upset.
As for protein like meat, chicken, fish and tofu, more is better, right? For some people, too much protein can stress the kidneys and liver, and may increase the risk of osteoporosis.
It's pretty easy to get the right amount of protein just by eating well-balanced meals, and there is no need to add fortified foods like protein bars. For most people, eating three servings of protein-rich foods daily, including non-meat items like yogurt and quinoa, is enough.
Consumer Reports says that most healthy people who eat a wide variety of whole foods don't need vitamin and mineral supplements, as overuse can also lead to potential problems. So talk to your doctor before taking any type of nutritional supplement.