New Jersey organization is sheltering LGBTQ individuals during the pandemic

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Thursday, June 11, 2020
NJ non-profit shelters LGBTQ individuals during the pandemic
New Jersey RAIN Foundation is sheltering LGBTQ individuals during the pandemic

EAST ORANGE, New Jersey -- Long before the coronavirus pandemic, the RAIN Foundation has been providing shelter to LGBTQ individuals facing homelessness.

The organization, which also provides social services to individuals who have experienced sexual assault, domestic violence, and hate crimes, has opened its doors to five individuals who were left homeless in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"That broke my heart because how can a young person be displaced from their family in a pandemic? This is a time we need to stick together, but that's not the case for everyone," said Elaine Helms, founder of the RAIN foundation.

The services and shelter provided by the foundation have been life-changing for many of these individuals who view the organization as a family.

"Everybody shows rather than just says that they care. They go the extra mile to make sure that clients like myself are taken care of physically, mentally, and emotionally while on the journey to find a new place to live," said Clarissa Wright.


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