NYPD chief about to be promoted to second in command instead resigns

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Friday, October 31, 2014
NYPD Chief about to be promoted to 2nd in command resigns instead
Dave Evans has the story.

NEW YORK (WABC) -- The New York Police Department's highest ranking black official, Chief Philip Banks III, is quitting the department instead of taking a new post.

Banks was supposed to have been named 1st deputy commissioner, who is second in command at the nation's largest police department.

Commissioner William Bratton said Friday that Banks based his decision on personal and professional factors.

He said he was "surprised" to learn that Banks had changed his mind about his promotion, but he refuted speculation that Banks was leaving because he would have had less responsibilities.

He said department consolidation would actually give Banks more power, not less.

The department had already announced his appointment earlier this week. Banks was to have taken office during a promotions ceremony Monday.

Banks took over as chief of department in March 2013 under former Commissioner Raymond Kelly.

He's been with the department since 1986. He was previously the head of community affairs.

NYPD Chief Carlos Gomez is being promoted to be chief of patrol. He was previously the commanding officer of the Housing Bureau

Bratton mentioned him to make the point that there is still diversity at the top of the NYPD. Chief Gomez will now be the highest ranking uniformed Hispanic officer in the NYPD.

However, the first deputy commissioner position remains unfilled.