2025 Operation 7 Save a Life special to air Saturday, Feb. 22 on ABC7

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Friday, February 7, 2025 4:08PM

NEW YORK (WABC) -- Join host Bill Ritter for our 27th annual WABC-TV special Operation 7: Save a Life on Saturday, Feb. 22 at 7:30 p.m.

Your safety - and even your life - could depend on whether you know how to prepare for an emergency.

Learn what the New York City Fire Department is doing to reduce the number of lithium-ion battery fires, and why they're celebrating some victories this year. We go one-on-one with new FDNY Fire Commissioner Robert Tucker as he shares both his interesting past, and his vision for the future. And see the FDNY's new task force built to handle a modern threat - brush fires within city limits.

Plus, we take you inside a critical training exercise with Port Authority firefighters on board an aircraft at Newark Airport. See how they respond to a smoke emergency on a plane, and how their training sets the standard for firefighters all over the world.

Then, learn the basics of keeping someone alive in an emergency. The American Red Cross brings us into the classroom to see how to do CPR, and how to administer naloxone in case of an overdose.

Also, some Westchester County Boy Scouts get tips that will stick with them for life, as they learn fire safety...and get up close with a real fire truck!

It's an informative, entertaining show full of life-saving information. Don't miss the latest installment of Operation 7: Save a Life, ABC7's Emmy-winning annual presentation, on Saturday, Feb. 22 at 7:30 p.m.


Smoke Alarms

  • Place smoke alarms on every level of the home and in bedrooms

  • Keep away from air vents

  • Place at least 4-6 inches away from walls and corners

  • Electrical Wiring
  • Replace wiring if frayed or cracked

  • Do not place under rugs, over nails, or in high-traffic areas

  • Avoid overloading outlets and make sure they stay cool to the touch

  • Around the House
  • Keep lamps, light fixtures, and light bulbs at least three feet away from anything that can burn

  • Clean out the lint filter before using the dryer

  • Don't use lit candles in bedrooms, bathrooms, and sleeping areas. Always blow out candles when you leave a room/home or go to bed.

  • Use flashlights, not candles, during power outages

  • Store oily and solvent-wet rags in a tightly sealed metal container and then discard them

  • Stop, Drop, and Roll
  • If your clothes catch on fire: stop, drop to the ground, and cover your face with your hands. Roll over and over or back and forth until the fire is out.

  • If you cannot stop, drop, and roll, a blanket or towel could help you and other smother flames

  • Electric Space Heater
  • Plug directly into the wall socket, not the extension cords

  • Unplug when not in use

  • Carbon Monoxide (CO)
  • You cannot see, taste, or smell carbon monoxide

  • Make sure all vents for furnaces, stoves, fireplaces, and dryers are clear of snow and other debris

  • Install CO alarms outside each sleeping area and on every level of the home
  • Learn more from our sponsor Toyota.

    To get up to 3 FREE smoke alarms installed in your home, call 877-RED-CROSS or click HERE to schedule an appointment online.
    FDNY on nyc.gov
    Nassau County Fire Marshal
    American Burn Association

    Ion Battery Consumer Safety Guide

    An important fire safety message from Kelly and Mark:

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