Family grapples with no heat inside Floral Park home amid frigid temperatures

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Monday, December 23, 2024
Family deals with no heat in Long Island home amid frigid temperatures
Chanteé Lans has details on Long Island neighborhoods feeling the impacts of the bitter cold temperatures.

FLORAL PARK, Long Island (WABC) -- Christmas is just days away, but the arctic air is already here, leaving some residents -- including one family from Long Island -- struggling to stay warm.

The air is artic on a quiet Floral Park street on Long Island, but inside one home, there's no heat.

"This morning it was really cold, and then the shower didn't work because the pipes started to freeze," said homeowner Diane Connolly.

Connelly has cold hands and is pumping her fireplace to make up the difference. She is a wife and mother of four, and also has a dog named Broady.

"Without heat, very cold. They've been complaining a lot for the most part," Connolly said.

Her kids all went to their friends. She's maintaining as much as she can with her winter coat.

"Yesterday... or maybe the day before, we started to notice -- because the temperature dropped -- we started to realize the heat wasn't coming on, it was coming up slightly but not enough," Connolly said.

The thermostat stopped at 59 degrees, so she called Floral Park HVAC.

"There's a lot of thermostats malfunctioning, so it seems to be that thermostats in the cold weather immediately stop working," said Edwin Hernandez of Floral HVAC.

Hernandez said that's exactly what happened inside Connolly's home.

"Her thermostat wasn't getting the message from the board from the main boiler, so we're going to replace the board, and we should be up and running by next week," Hernandez said.

"We're just waiting... I think he has the attic working, and he's working from each zone. So, I think we're almost there. So, I'm hoping for a Christmas miracle," Connolly said.

Although Connolly and her family have their heat back on, the technician set the thermostat to a specific temperature until the part comes in next week to completely fix the problem.

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