Lautenberg wins in New Jersey

Will face Dick Zimmer
NEW JERSEY The contest between Lautenberg and Democratic Rep. Rob Andrews was one of the top races in seven states holding primaries to decide congressional contests and ballot initiatives.

Andrews, a 50-year-old lawmaker who has served in the House since 1990, recalled in one television ad how Lautenberg himself raised the age issue when campaigning in 1982 against Rep. Millicent Fenwick, who was 72.

"It's hard when your own words come back to haunt you, isn't it?" the ad asked.

Lautenberg, 84, insisted he was criticizing Fenwick's age relative to her political experience.

He will face former Congressman Dick Zimmer, who won New Jersey's Republican U.S. Senate nomination.

Zimmer bested state Sen. Joseph Pennacchio and college professor Murray Sabrin in Tuesday's primary.

The 63-year-old Zimmer has been out of elected politics for a dozen years after losing the 1996 U.S. Senate race and a 2000 House race. He has been a Washington lawyer and lobbyist.

Here is an overview of U.S. House primaries in New Jersey Tuesday.

There were also contested primaries in seven House districts in New Jersey, including three where the sitting congressmen are not seeking re-election:

  • The 1st District, which includes parts of Burlington, Camden and Gloucester counties, where Congressman Rob Andrews' wife Camille S. Andrews defeated John Caramanna, David G. Evans and Mahdi Ibn-Ziyard for the Democratic nomination to replace Andrews. Rob Andrews gave up his seat for an unsuccessful primary run against incumbent Sen. Frank Lautenberg.

  • The 3rd District, which includes parts of Burlington, Camden and Ocean counties, where Republican Chris Myers defeated John P. Kelly and Justin Michael Murphy for the nomination to replace retiring U.S. Rep. James Saxton. The winner will face Democratic state Sen. John Adler.

  • The 7th District, which includes parts of Hunterdon, Middlesex, Somerset and Union counties, where state Sen. Leonard Lance beat six other Republicans vying to replace retiring U.S. Rep. Mike Ferguson, including Kate Whitman, the daughter of former Gov. Christie Whitman. Other Republican candidates were A.D. Amar, Kelly Hatfield, Martin Marks, Tom Roughneen, Darren Young. The winner will face Democratic Assemblywoman Linda Stender.

    Only two House incumbents faced challenges, but Republican Frank LoBiondo in the 2nd District and Republican Rodney Frelinghuysen in the 11th District were easily nominated for re-election.

    On the Net:
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