Joyriding Kansas 6-year-olds cause extensive damage in neighborhood

Friday, April 15, 2016
Boys, both 6, go on joyride
A pair of 6-year-old boys crashed into several cars when they took a joyride

NEWTON, KS -- What happens when a pair of six-year-old boys get together and decide to take a truck for a spin? They cause damage -- and a lot of it.

This joyride took place in the small town of Hutchinson, Kansas.

"All of a sudden we heard a loud bang.... And come outside and see a vehicle on the lawn," neighbor Keith Schrag told KWCH-TV in Kansas.

Neighbors saw the out-of-control truck speeding down the street.

"They couldn't see where they was going so they were just swerving all over the place," Schrag said.

Police say one six-year-old was rotating wheel as the other operated the gas pedal. It lasted for only three blocks, but by the time it was all over, the truck the children were driving was totaled and five others were damaged. Several mailboxes are now missing, too.

"Somebody could have been run-over. Thank God that didn't happen," neighbor Brandy Beer said.

Beer owns three of the vehicles the boys hit, but she, along with the rest of the neighbors, have already forgiven the children.

"That was our main concern all along, was that they are alright," Beer said. "This will be out of our minds in a month or so when we get things all taken care of but it will be with those little guys for a while."

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