Sandy Kenyon reviews 'Office Christmas Party'

Friday, December 9, 2016
Sandy Kenyon reviews 'Office Christmas Party
Sandy Kenyon has his review of the holiday comedy

If you're looking to take a break from holiday shopping to have a few laughs, you could do worse than "Office Christmas Party," which opens this weekend. Still, it's not as funny as it could've been given the cast and crazy premise.

The office Christmas party was once a raucous affair, but companies have used the Great Recession as an excuse to eliminate many of them. The ones that still exist are toned down, made more politically correct by corporate drones like the one Kate McKinnon plays.

As the movie begins, the boss, played by Jennifer Aniston, is trying to shut down a division of a company run by her brother.

T.J. Miller and Jason Bateman's characters decide to throw a bash to try and impress a potential client, played by Courtney B. Vance.

Vance has won a Tony on Broadway and an Emmy on television for his dramatic acting. So it's fun to watch him cut loose.

Inspired casting, especially among the supporting players, and a party that is truly epic, help disguise a thin story.

However, too much time is spent explaining the mechanics of why the event must happen.

The comedy is rated "R" for really raunchy and plenty of mayhem, but the picture just is not as funny as it should have been given the talent involved and their willingness to really go for it.

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