Pennsylvania swim coach celebrates 60 years inspiring students in and out of the pool

ByMatteo Iadonisi, Localish
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
Swim coach celebrates 60 years inspiring students in and out the pool
Since 1964, Coach Roy Snyder has earned the honor of being a hall-of-fame swim coach at Wilson High School in Berks County, Pennsylvania.

WEST LAWN, Pennsylvania -- Sixty years has gone by swimmingly for Coach Roy Snyder, who dove head-first into developing an aquatics program at Wilson High School all the way back in 1964.

This year, he received the 2024 National Interscholastic Swimming Coaches Association of America (NISCA) Hall of Fame Award.

He will also be inducted into the National Federation of High School Associations (NFHS) National High School Hall of Fame.

Localish caught up with Coach Snyder to hear his story in his own words.