Glam Lab: Top 10 beauty trends of 2019

Thursday, December 19, 2019
NEW YORK (WABC) -- Glam Lab is wrapping up the year with a list of the top beauty trends. We tested the good, the bad and the downright crazy treatments of 2019!

1. 30 Minutes of Emsculpt is equal to 20,000 sit-ups: Instant abs or just a fad?

Emsculpt is the only non-invasive treatment out there that can burn fat and build muscle. That's right... you can tighten your abs or lift your butt without even breaking a sweat. How is that possible, you say? It uses electric magnetic technology to cause involuntary contractions in your muscles. I know what you're thinking: this is too good to be true! So, look no further. Glam Lab tested it out and we've got the real, raw, unfiltered feedback.

2. CHARCOAL CRAZE: Brushing your teeth, on your face, in your body?

Charcoal seemed to go from the barbecue to the beauty aisle real quick. It's in face masks, supplements, toothpaste... the list goes on. Well, it's not the charcoal out of your grill it's activated charcoal and activated charcoal is marketed to work as an absorbent. So if you put it on your face, it should attract the oil from your pores, a supplement should pull toxins from your body and toothpaste should absorb all the surface stains on your teeth. While I have dabbled in the charcoal toothpaste, in this episode of Glam Lab, I put a list of charcoal beauty treatments to the test.

3. Foot detox pads: Health or hoax?

Glam Lab takes on foot detox pads! I try them out to investigate the great debate: are they really healthy or just a hoax? They claim to visibly detox your body while you sleep. You place the patches on the bottom of your feet before you go to bed. In the morning, depending on how toxic your body is, you could see black sludge covering these once white patches.

4. Face Haus - affordable facials no matter your age, gender or skin type

You're about to be mind-blown because THIS place is changing facials forever. Face Haus has been popping up in locations up and down the West Coast and now they've made their way East. They recently opened one on the Upper East Side, so Glam Lab went to see what all the fuss is about! Their tagline is "facials for the people", meaning facials aren't just for women or for those with a disposable income. They can be for everyone - no matter your age, gender or skin type! Face Haus is not only making facials approachable - but affordable too.

5. CONTOUR BREAKDOWN: Teaching makeup lovers how to transform faces

Contouring... the term that completely transformed the beauty world by teaching makeup lovers how to transform faces. Maybe you want to accentuate your cheekbones, maybe you want a smaller nose or maybe you want to change up the shape of your face completely. When it comes to contouring, the options are endless... IF (and that's a very big if), you can nail down the technique. Watch this episode to see how I fare in the glamorous yet very complicated world of contouring.

6. Glam Lab breaks down Botox at Alchemy 43 in New York City

This is the BOTOX BREAKDOWN. Glam Lab gets the scoop on the wildly popular injectable at Alchemy 43. It's an esthetic bar that specializes in cosmetic micro treatments. Think Dry Bar... but for Botox and fillers. Their menu also includes treatments like micro-needling, vitamin boosts and a shot called the Pimple Killer. From how the drug works, to how long it lasts - find out what you should be paying and everything in between on this episode of Glam Lab!

7. Glam Lab tries out HiSmile at-home teeth whitening kit

We all know there's no shortage of options when it comes to whitening your teeth. You could go to a dentist for professional treatment for lasting results, but it will cost you and it's not exactly painless. Or you could try one of the at-home teeth whitening treatments that seem to have taken over social media. With the infiltration of LED lights and gum trays... there was one in particular that caught my eye. Apart from the ads, I noticed A-list celebs were seriously backing this one. It's an Australian company called HiSmile and their claim to fame is guaranteed whiter teeth with all-natural ingredients.

8. Skincare made from your OWN BLOOD... but is it worth your blood, sweat, and fears?

Would you try skincare made from your own blood?! Dracula would die for this (again). The beauty world is no stranger to treatments such as the Vampire Facial... aka PRP therapy. PRP stands for 'Platelet-Rich Plasma' which has amazing growth factors. It can help stimulate collagen, hair follicles and even regenerate tissue. It can stimulate collagen, smooth fine lines and give your skin a gorgeous glow. But is it worth your blood, sweat, and fears? Glam Lab tries before you buy (or so you don't have to)!

9. Can the Upright Trainer device really fix your posture in two weeks?

Can this little device fix your posture? It's all over Instagram. The tiny device that boasts better posture in two weeks! For the many of us who sit at desks every day, it's the reminder we need to sit up straight. It gives you a vibration every time you start slouching. To feel a difference, you've got to commit to two weeks. So, does it work? Before you buy, let Glam Lab try. Check out the latest episode so see the results!

10. The mermaid trend has made a serious splash in pop culture

The mermaid trend has made a serious splash in pop culture. There's mermaid food, mermaid drinks, mermaid shows like Freeform's Siren and my favorite, mermaid Glam! So, Glam Lab is celebrating by showing you how to get some of the best mermaid inspired looks!

Follow Jo on Instagram for a behind-the-scenes look at Glam Lab and watch Glam Lab each week for more beauty tips, tricks, and trends!
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