Girl sells artwork to raise money to buy diabetic alert dog in Farmingdale

Lucy Yang Image
Thursday, January 12, 2017
Little girl gets dog to help monitor her diabetes
Lucy Yang has the story of a little girl who raised enough money for a specially trained diabetes alert dog.

FARMINGDALE, Long Island (WABC) -- It is a dream come true for an 8-year-old girl on Long Island.

Thanks to social media and her hard work, she's raised enough money to buy a diabetic alert dog.

8-year-old old Emma Brussels has type 1 diabetes.

She wears two high tech devices but they're not perfect.

For Christmas, the 3rd grader wished for a diabetic alert dog, but the highly trained dog came with a $15,000 price tag, and the dog was not under the tree.

The adorable artist is not a quitter. She turned her passion for painting into a dream come true.

Emma started selling her precious works online to pay for the dog.

Over the weekend, a generous donor, who does not want to be identified, gave her $15,000.

She gave him her sand castle and an endless ocean of gratitude

The money already raised will go toward veterinary bills.

Emma plans to keep painting and raising funds for future medical needs.

Anyone who would like to buy a painting contact Emma at or at PO Box 460, Farmingdale, NY 11735

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