7 On Your Side gives 'max' effort to correct misspelled Scherzer jersey

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Friday, August 19, 2022
7 On Your Side gives 'max' effort to correct misspelled jersey
When a Mets fan received a misspelled Max Scherzer jersey, 7 On Your Side stepped in to fix the problem. Nina Pineda has the details.

ELIZABETH, New Jersey (WABC) -- Jesse Lewis loves his Amazin's and collects jerseys of his favorite players.

But his latest acquisition, pitcher Max Scherzer, arrived in the mail misspelled.

Scherzer is who the New York Mets are banking on getting the Kings of Queens to an MLB championship and the man with a $130 million right arm.

But his jersey was all wrong. It said Scherze instead of Scherzer.

Lewis wanted to sport the new jersey at "Friday Night Blackouts" at Citi Field with his son and grandsons.

"I contacted the company, of course they admitted their mistake because I sent them a picture and basically, you spelled the name wrong, so all I was asking them to do was send me a jersey with the name spelled correctly," he said.

He says the BestJerseysOutlets.com customer service line didn't answer when he tried to call them.

So, Lewis emailed repeatedly and finally got a discount code to order a replacement.

"I got an invoice for about $50 and said, I was under the impression you guys would replace the jersey at no cost, not that I had to buy another jersey," he said.

It was more about the principle than the money for the baseball fanatic.

He was born in 1956, he played first base then went on to student manage, train and assistant coach for Jacksonville University where he's in the hall of fame and recently threw out the first pitch at his alma mater.

The collector didn't think what the company offered next was fair either.

"The last communication I had before contacting 7 On Your Side was, 'we will replace the jersey, but you have to buy something else,'" he said.

Jumping through hoops to get a refund is a top online customer complaint, along with getting an inferior product or not what you ordered at all.

If you're using a website, you won't have the luxury of walking into a store and processing a refund or exchange.

"There are still some real advantages to walking into a store and getting the one you want," said New York Secretary of State Robert Rodriguez, who's also the head of the Division of Consumer protection.

Generally, Rodgriguez recommends to check track records by research companies and reading reviews about third party vendors fulfilling orders.

"It's a little more work and research on the internet when we're shopping, but it's worth it to make sure that we're getting what we're supposed to," Rodriguez said.

Rodriguez said persistence pays off and if you aren't satisfied, tweet, report and write reviews.

We started trading emails back in June with Best Jerseys Outlets in Asia.

A company rep apologized for the problem and corrected it -- it took another two weeks to ship from overseas, but we didn't strike out.

"Hi Nina, I finally got my jersey, and they passed the spelling test," Lewis said. "Thank you 7 On Your Side, let's go Mets."

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