Most and least patriotic states in the U.S.

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Friday, July 3, 2015

How patriotic is your state? Just in time for Independence Day comes a new list ranking each state on their level of patriotism for 2015.

Top 10 Most Patriotic States:

10. Georgia

9. South Carolina

8. New Hampshire

7. North Carolina

6. Maine

5. Alaska

4. Idaho

3. Colorado

2. Washington

1. Virginia

Consumer website WalletHub pooled data surrounding both the military and civic engagement of all 50 states to rank each on their level of patriotism.

The website reported a waning of patriotism in recent years, with 38 percent of Americans believing the U.S.A. to be the greatest country in the world in 2013, and that number falling to 28 percent in 2014. Wanting to discover where patriotism is still the strongest, WalletHub created a series of metrics they believe indicate love for community and country.

The criteria for indicating the level of patriotism within a state population consisted of:

  • Percent of residents enlisted in the military in 2013

  • Most veterans per capita

  • Number of active-duty military personnel

  • Frequency of Google searches for American flags

  • Most Peace Corps volunteers per capita

  • Highest percent of residents who voted in most recent presidential election

  • Volunteer rate

  • Civics education requirement

Ranking of State's Patriotism, Least to Greatest:

50. New York

49. New Jersey

48. Rhode Island

47. Utah

46. West Virginia

45. Arkansas

44. Connecticut

43. Illinois

42. Louisiana

41. Pennsylvania

40. Massachusetts

39. Nevada

38. Kentucky

36.North Dakota


35. California

34. Minnesota

33. Texas

32. Iowa

31. Vermont

30. Arizona

29. Tennessee

28. Michigan

27. Delaware

26. New Mexico

25. Mississippi

24. Hawaii

23. South Dakota

22. Kansas

21. Oklahoma

20. Wisconsin

19. Wyoming

18. Maryland

17. Ohio

16. Nebraska

15. Oregon

14. Florida

13. Alabama

12. Montana

11. Missouri

10. Georgia

9. South Carolina

8. New Hampshire

7. North Carolina

6. Maine

5. Alaska

4. Idaho

3. Colorado

2. Washington

1. Virginia

Where does your home state rank? Do you agree with these results? Let us know in the comments.

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