The director behind the movie 'The Greatest Showman' is out with a new musical and this time he is making a monkey out of a British Superstar Robbie Williams.
For Jonno Davies, the actor who plays the character of the monkey, it's his big break in Hollywood.
Entertainment reporter Joelle Garguilo spoke to the cast of 'Better Man.'
It's a biopic, unlike anything you've seen before.
'Better Man' is the British pop star Robbie Williams' story of stardom told through an unexpected lens as a CGI primate.
The man behind the magic directing 'Better Man' is Michael Gracey.
"What did Robbie Williams do when you told him the concept for this?" Garguilo asked Gracey.
"He was on board really quickly. As you have to do you make it the idea of the star and so I said to him if you would be an animal what would you be and he immediately said lion. To which I said really? And he went actually I'm more of a monkey and then I pitched him the idea and to his credit he was on board I didn't even finish the sentence, and he was like love it. It's how Robbie sees himself as opposed to how we see him," Gracey said.
It's a bold approach to storytelling that asks the audience to see the world through different eyes.
"It sounds like a gimmick and I think you see more humanity through the monkey than you'd see if it wasn't," Gracey said.
Jonno Davies is the man behind the monkey playing a young Robbie Williams and Raechelle Banno plays Nicole Appleton, Williams' former girlfriend.
"When I am watching films, lines stick out to me, and there was a movie line it says 'songs are only valuable if they cost you something.' How would you both change that when it comes to acting roles?" Garguilo asked.
"Rochelle used to say something when we were on set that really stuck with me. And it's all about how something felt when I performed it. I'm not going to go to the monitor afterward and see how it looked like. Did I connect with that person?" Davies said.
"But there is a cost involved in sort of revealing yourself. That's what vulnerability is. And whether that be, you're in a romantic scene it is vulnerable to bring your own little sense of sensibility to the table," Banno said.
"Jono, is it true? You were cast five days before the camera started rolling?" Garguilo asked.
Yeah, it was a roller coaster. But then, as I landed, this beautiful specimen was here, and put me right at ease, and we rehearsed the boat scene together. And I found out that day that I got the part, and it was like, Oh, by the way, in a few days, you're gonna perform in front of 20,000 people. I kind of like that I had such a short amount of time, though, because it meant that everything that I prepped had to be really impulsive, and Rob is such an impulsive person that I think was useful to have that kind of adrenaline going through me the whole time," Davies said.