TSA PreCheck vs. Clear for air travel | 7 On Your Side

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Thursday, March 7, 2024
Airport security hacks for smooth air travel
Nina Pineda has tips with 7 On Your Side.

NEW YORK (WABC) -- Did you know that more than 2 million people go through airport security a day? It's no wonder we spend hours in them trying to not miss our flight.

Then you see the people who have get to go in a different line and zoom by you with their shoes on and laptops in their bags and you've got FOMO.

So are these programs worth it and how can you get in on the action?

There are two major forces that can help you get through those lines faster: TSA PreCheck and Clear.

Here are the main differences: PreCheck allows you to go through a less strict security line while Clear allows you to just skip the line.

PreCheck is $78 and that will last you five years and Clear is $189.

Finally, availability, PreCheck is offered at a lot more airports than Clear.

If you're interested in signing up for TSA PreCheck you want to TSA.gov website. If you do this on an outside company, you will end up paying more.

The application is super simple and then you have to sign up for an in-person interview.

A lot of people don't know that you can do this at a local Staples. The process is simple to fill out the form online and then there are many locations to do the next steps.

For international travels, there's Global Entry that will help you skip the line at customs.

This is $100 for five years but it also includes TSA PreCheck.

The application process is also very similar to PreCheck so you won't have to jump through too many hoops.

There are a few international locations but this will mainly help you to come back to the States.

If you spend a lot of time traveling, save yourself the wait and look into these programs. They're worth it!

ALSO READ: Woman charged for canceled gym membership finally gets refund

Nina Pineda has more.



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